Read these tips for staying warm despite how terrifying the cold weather can get.
When cold days are approaching, warm yourself up first.
Its easier to change your body temperature rather than room temperature, not to mention more environmentally friendly. Put on another layer of clothing or make yourself a hot cup of tea, instead of turning up the heat.
Wear a Hat
Has your mom ever told you that you lose 80 percent of you body heat through your head? however that’s not entirely true. If you are not well dressed, you will lose heat from any surface that is exposed in cold weather. Wear your hat even when you’re indoors.
Switch between cold and hot whilst in the shower

You immediately warm up with a hot shower, but cold showers improve your blood circulation between your organs and skins.
Block Drafts using a pool noodle.
Cut a pool noodle in half lengthwise, wrap it in fabric and slide it under your door to keep heat in and cold out. It will stay in place during all winter and you can reuse it at the pool when summer arrives. (we recommend buying a new one)
Switch on the ceiling fan
Warm air escalates to the ceiling. Run your fan on its lowest setting in a clockwise direction in order to push the warm air back down to where you can feel it.
Trick a locked thermostat
Not everyone has access to the thermostat in their office building or apartment. If you are not able to adjust the thermostat, you may have to find an alternative – outsmart the device by making it ‘’think’’ the room is colder than what it is. You can put ice near it to do the trick.
Program your thermostat

Its quite obvious right? Adjust your thermostat and make sure your living room is not colder than outside when arriving home. This can even be done via a smartphone.
Start Composting.
If you are already involved in composting, here’s another beneficial reason to do it; Heat is produced as a by-product of the microbial breakdown of organic material. Some people use it to warm up greenhouses and showers, nonetheless even small-timers in small apartments can feel a difference.
Dress up your windows
Just like you wouldn’t be wearing a tank top or walking around sleeveless, your windows shouldn’t either. Replace thin curtains with fleece drapes or heavier wool during the winter. But make sure you open them on sunny days to obtain free heat.
Layer your covers with the densest, thinnest on top.
It’s instinctive, but fluffy blankets should be closer to you. Whereas, thin blankets should on top to prevent heat loss. An additional tip; No need to place your bed directly against an exterior wall. You will be warmer if you have a little space.
Fill up your coat pockets with DIY hand warmers.
You’ll emit self-sufficiency if you make your own hand warmers, instead of buying them. All you need is water, two Ziploc bags and calcium chloride ice melt pellets from the houseware store.
Go Ahead and Bake all day.
Baking and using the oven heats up the whole house. Go ahead and invite friends over to feel extra cozy and munch on cookies.