Relationships can be hard to handle, especially since you’re trying to make sure that you and your partner – who probably has some differences in opinion – work together regularly. Eventually, you’re bound to run into some snags here and there. These texts show that the logic between males and females can differ drastically.
In order to make the reading experience of this article more convenient, the article has been split up into multiple pages. At the end of each page, you will see a “next” button which will take you to the next page. Enjoy your reading!
How Romantic!
Romance is an important part of keeping the spark alive in many relationships. After all, it can really make your partner feel appreciated and loved. That is unless it goes awry.

These texts show that, sometimes, it’s just too tempting to play a little joke on the other person. Unfortunately, these jokes aren’t always well-received. We sure hope that this person thought that preparing a soapy sink with candles was funny to this person. Otherwise, it may not have been worth it.
So Much is Wrong Here
There are certain texts that are never good news to receive. For instance, this text reading “Let’s break up” probably wasn’t how this person wanted to spend their day.
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Even worse, though, was the text that came after that. They rescinded what they said but it wasn’t because they had a change of heart. Rather, they just let them know that they weren’t breaking up with them but that they just messaged the wrong person. Who was it meant for?
Please, Open the Jar
We all have our moments when we realize that we need another person’s help. This could mean anything from a small task to help through a major life event.
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When this person texted their significant other and let them know that they realized how much they needed them, their partner was concerned. After all, that’s not the sort of admission that you usually text someone when everything is fine. It turns out, they just needed a jar opened.
The Perfect Couple
There are plenty of points when couples end up at a crossroads by misunderstanding each other. This couple seems like they have complementary ideas, though.
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Maybe this person just wanted a movie night, snuggled together on the couch. However, we have to say, the concept of building a fortress does sound pretty enticing. Either way, no matter how wholesome the original comment was intended, these texts had a pretty cute ending. Not to mention, it sounds like a lot of fun!
Meet Max
The promise of good news and bad news is one of the texts that often increases someone’s heart rate. At the end, who would ever want to hear about bad news?
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These texts start with anxious beginnings but had a delightfully wholesome ending. The bad news was that the bathroom was temporarily a mess. On the other hand, the good news was that they had a new member of the family – one with an endearing photo to match.
Another – but Different – One
In the modern era of technology, people who are starting to date or have been dating probably send each other pictures fairly frequently. Why not, when you can take a picture anytime you want?
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This person really loved the picture that their partner sent in their texts. So much so, that they asked them to send another picture. Yet, it seems like there was a bit of a misunderstanding in what they asked. On the bright side, now they have two copies of the same picture.
Is Now the Time?
There is a time and a place for everything. For instance, you probably don’t want to change the subject in the middle of a crucial conversation or joke around in a serious setting.
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These two were exchanging texts that seem pretty important. Even though the words are censored out by the person posting the image, it’s clear that this consisted of several long paragraphs. The other person’s reply? Well, they need to know about this towel sale!
I Can Show You the World
It’s a traditional choice for most couples to celebrate their marriage with a wedding and a subsequent honeymoon. It’s a great way for couples to spend some alone time together to celebrate.
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This couple was talking about their honeymoon when they realized they had to come to a compromise on what they wanted. The second person in these texts had an answer, even if it wasn’t necessarily a compromise. We have to wonder how they felt about the suggestion.
Placing the Blame
Part of living together is making sure to work together and keep the household up and running. One of the most basic parts of this is making sure that there’s food in the house to eat.
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These texts show us that, sometimes, this is easier said than done. This person was just trying to let their partner know that they were out of cheese. Their partner, on the other hand, was just about fed up with them eating all of the groceries right away.
Just Like the Movies
When weekends line up to give partners time off together, there are countless ways to take advantage of that. Of course, both partners have to agree on what to do.
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These texts show that this is something often easier said than done. While one partner was ready to relax with a pizza, the other one wanted something a little more romantic. Not to worry, though, because they quickly came to a compromise that gives them both what they want: a romantic pizza weekend.
Why Would You Do That?
If there’s one thing that can be a big moment for a relationship that is often anxiety-riddled, it’s meeting your partner’s parents. Most of the time, you want to impress them.
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That means that when you do win them over, it’s a huge relief. As these texts show, that’s the case so long as your partner doesn’t ruin the moment. When this person heard that they’d impressed this person’s parents, they probably didn’t expect their partner’s reply.
But, You Did Notice?
Sometimes, you just don’t feel like hanging out with other people. It could be because you want to be alone or you just don’t want to see that person at that moment.
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To be fair, hearing “I can’t be bothered” must sting a bit. On the other hand, their partner was quick to respond with a scathing reply. In their place, we’d probably expect to hurt a few feelings. Conversely, this person just took it as a sign that their hard work at the gym was paying off.
Turning It Around
It’s a cute habit of strong couples to say nice things to one another from time to time. This person just wanted to let their partner know that they thought they were one in a billion.
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However, as the texts show, this plan didn’t work out exactly like they had hoped it would. Instead, their partner quickly pointed out that there were more than a billion people on the planet. So, they suggested that this meant that their partner had a girlfriend per billion people.
Withdrawing a Candidacy
When dating and meeting new potential partners, it’s important to be upfront about what you want. This way, you can avoid misunderstandings that could become painful or awkward later.
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This person was clear in their desire for what they insensitively described as a “normal” girl. The person they were talking to didn’t hesitate to take this as their cue to get out of the situation as soon as possible. They kept their exit brief but made it clear that they wouldn’t be back with those conditions.
Sure, Okay
There’s something particularly confusing about mixed messages with weak signals to portray that. For instance, most people would probably think that the first few texts mean everything is fine.
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Once their partner saw the texts, they weren’t happy, though. In their words, when they say they aren’t mad at the other person, it means that they still could be mad at them. All in all, it’s a confusing philosophy to follow. When is this person supposed to feel at ease with these rules?
What a Happy Couple
When you’re arguing with a significant other, there are times when something comes up in a heated way. For instance, these texts that the person being asked takes in stride.
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This person was desperately trying to convey to their partner why they couldn’t keep living together. To their surprise, the other person was quick to highlight exactly what was wrong in their relationship which looks hurtful, to say the least. It doesn’t look like this couple will survive this.
The Signs of Love
We all need reassurance from time to time. This means that even when the signs are obvious to some, you might just want to hear that your partner really does love you.
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This person was pretty sure their partner was still in love with them but they just wanted to check. This is something that caught their partner by surprise because, as they pointed out, all signs pointed clearly to yes. For instance, wearing their clothes and hanging out in their home.
Changed My Mind
As we stated about the last set of texts, sometimes you just want a little reassurance that your partner still loves you. Unfortunately, the answer to that question isn’t always a resounding “of course.”
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This person reached out to their partner and asked them if they could ask a question. When asked for further clarification, they came out with their concerns, and their partner didn’t exactly help the situation. They flat-out refused to answer the question at all, a move that doesn’t inspire confidence.
Pop Quiz
Responding to a compliment can be difficult. After all, what do you do when someone is heaping you with praise? This can be even more difficult to determine when the other person has ulterior motives.
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This is made all the harder by the fact that no one wants to think of their significant other having ulterior motives. Yet, when this person didn’t know how to reply to a rather odd compliment from their significant other, it spiraled out of control quickly.
I Think It’s a No
When you’re getting to know someone, there are certain things you may not know yet. That means when you get to a certain point, these questions will come up.
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For instance, to see this person face-to-face, this person asked where they lived. Not completely unexpectedly, the other person wasn’t ready to offer this information up freely. Although, after two unsuccessful tries, it should be pretty clear that Betty is declining. Maybe it’s time to move on from this line of questioning.
Drawing Out the Joke
These texts tell quite a story. At the very least, it tells the story of a couple that had maybe been having some problems. Alternatively, it just makes for a funny joke in texts between a couple.
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The first person texting probably thought that they’d finally found a way to never fight again. Put simply, they wouldn’t argue with their partner anymore. That was obviously easier said than done, though, because their partner was upset by the unilateral decision.
What’s on Your Mind?
Again, this is an example of a set of texts that is completely geared to become romantic. In fact, the person who broke the romantic mood was the one who set it in the first place!
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They messaged their partner to let them know they wanted to kiss them. When prompted for further information on what else they were thinking about, they lost the thread. They honestly told their partner that they were thinking about a list of concerns they had about their car.
Janet, Mandy, Katie, and Alice
Love is a positive emotion. On the other hand, the concept of not being monogamous to a single partner when that’s the agreement you have with that person to do just that.
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This poor person probably found out that this wasn’t the case in the worst way possible. Mark texted this person three times with different messages that touted love but only swapped out names. They even had the nerve to just switch to using Alice’s name when asked as if that would fix it.
Take Your Time
Dates are a stressful event but even a timed schedule in a more established relationship can be difficult. After all, scheduling takes careful consideration and planning to pull off.
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That’s why this person was understandably frustrated by these texts. As they point out, they’ve arrived on time, as agreed by both of them. When asked if their partner was ready, they were told it’d be quite a while. We hope that the person on time at least got a cup of that coffee.
Oh, It’s for Me
There are moments that you have to step back from the professional and responsible side of being an adult. After all, we all need a break from time to time to help manage stress.
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In these texts, this person was telling their partner they ran into an old friend at the toy store. Immediately, the other person was confused as to what drew their significant other to the toy store in the first place. We really can’t blame them for wanting a water pistol of their own.
They Know Their Limits
Part of living with someone every day is knowing what will work for both of you and what won’t. Otherwise, you risk pushing each others’ limits or struggling to complete daily tasks.
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This married couple has the concept down to a T. While they were expecting company, they recognized that they needed to clean the house. However, the wife stayed honest and let her spouse know that it was a tall order for the two of them to clean the house and keep it clean all day.
They Tried Their Best
We all want a chance to ask for something from our partner that they’ll just do like a chore around the house. After all, there are things that we all wish someone else could do.
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That’s what this person thought these texts were about when their partner asked for their order. They were quick to respond and request a clean house and a foot rub. While Starbucks is great, we’re sure that it was a little disappointing to realize this miscommunication.
Money and Meals
There are certain things that many people expect of their partners that don’t always pan out. For example, not everyone can whip up a mean dinner for you at the end of the day.
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As these texts show, there’s more to what someone can do than a single task. On top of that, these texts show that it’s probably not a great idea to poke fun at someone else’s shortcomings. We do have to hand it to them that they had a quick-witted comeback.
Fair Enough
There are certain things that you generally don’t say to people. For instance, telling your significant other they don’t feel anything usually leads to a huge fight.
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This couple was having what seems to be an argument for the ages when they came to an impasse. One half of the couple decided to go extremes and accuse the other of feeling nothing. Unphased, the other person responded quickly to amend that they do, in fact, feel hungry quite frequently.
Happy to Comply
Even in the moments when significant others are being quite adorable and touching, there are times that it doesn’t quite work. Specifically, when the other person isn’t in the mood for it.
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For instance, most couples would find it cute to receive an “I love you” message from their partner. Unfortunately, this one came when their partner was thinking about asking them for more space, as in the relationship needed to slow down or stop. They did their best to interpret the request.
They Seem Lost
When you’re used to sleeping next to someone every night, it makes sense that you’d be alarmed to wake up and not see your partner. Although, you should start by asking if you’re home.
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This person skipped out on thinking about their location the previous night before they hit send on these texts. They were curious as to where their partner was since they woke up and didn’t see her. Interestingly, she was just as curious to know where her partner woke up other than their bed!
Let There be Light
To most people, it’s pretty clear that the person who initiated this conversation expected a bit more of a romantic response. However, we have to admire the direction these texts took.
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The question was simple: this person is alone in a dark room with their partner for an hour, what happens? Like a true problem solver, they had a solution. Quite simply, they would start to solve the primary problem of light. The solution? A lightswitch, of course.
Stay Safe and Full
There are certain features of technology that go beyond helpful and into the realm of lifesaving. One such piece of technology is the ability to put your phone into “Do Not Disturb” mode while driving.
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This way, you won’t receive notifications for texts to distract you while you’re driving. However, there is a way to override it if you’re worried about important texts like this couple. Well, that is if you can consider the requirements of “urgent” to include a burrito order.
Let Them Sleep
When you text someone, their response may depend on what they’re doing. For example, someone probably isn’t likely to text you happy when they’re in the middle of something.
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They’re even less likely to enjoy a conversation when they’re trying to catch some rest. That’s why texts sent at odd hours of the night aren’t always met with enthusiasm. That’s something this person was more than happy to point out when asked why they seemed indifferent to the conversation.
There’s So Much Happening Here
The interesting thing about reading the texts that couples exchange is that they often have a language of their own. After all, there are some texts just indecipherable to outside parties.
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This is something that this exchange of texts highlights quite well. To the average person, including us, we’re not quite sure where this turn of events came from. Sure, the initial conversation about detergent makes sense but what happened to the poor unicorn?
They’re Hungry!
Like anything else, there’s a time for romance and there’s a time when things aren’t quite right. It’s often up to the people in the relationship to reading the room or, in this case, the texts.
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This person was pushing the question of what their partner would do if they were in bed with them. As it turns out, they’d keep eating their chips. Exasperated, their partner tried again, asking if the chips weren’t there. As it turns out, maybe they should just let this person eat.
Just Checking
Metaphors aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. They often make for a confusing picture if you haven’t quite caught on that the person isn’t being literal at all.
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This person didn’t quite catch onto the metaphor or, at least, they saw it as a chance to make a joke. Of course, the person talking about the woman they were interested in didn’t take the time to highlight the pupils that she had. After all, everyone has those, why would it stand out?
A Bit of a Stretch
We sure hope that this argument came from a joke rather than a serious concern. Otherwise, we have some concerns of our own for this couple based on their texts.
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First, we have to take note of the fact that they’re suggesting a breakup again. Then, it only devolves further when the question is answered. This person seems to have gone leaps and bounds to come to the conclusion that they found. We wonder if they lasted through this exchange.
A Cute Moment Shattered
There’s a balance between being cute and being funny that a couple has to find. This couple was doing their best to be cute, at least for a second.
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Their texts quickly devolved into a more joking tone, something that one of them was quick to point out when it took a turn. After all, saying “I need your kisses” is romantic and cute. On the other hand, the last text sent doesn’t quite fall under the umbrella of cute things to say.
Alright, If You Insist
Texts are a great way to share short, concise messages. On the other hand, they aren’t a good choice when you’re trying to have an in-depth, emotional conversation because there’s no tone.
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When this couple started fighting, one of them had the helpful idea that they switch to an in-person conversation to continue. On the opposing side, their partner was against the idea. Why? They wanted to keep being angry at their partner rather than work it out right away.
Just Do the Laundry
This is one of those situations when it starts out as a fun set of texts and quickly switches tones. After all, this person knew exactly how to get their partner’s attention to bring the point up.
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The original text they sent could be interpreted as flirty up until they sent the second text. Then, they took the chance to remind their significant other that they would, in fact, be wearing underwear if they had any clean pairs! We guess this time off went to housework.
Break the Cycle
There are a few things that people can do that are sure to annoy someone else. One of what’s considered a more childish choice is copying the person that you’re talking to.
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This couple was texting back and forth when one person thought this would be a funny behavior to adapt to. They were probably even a little entertained as the other person became frustrated. However, the joke was turned around on them when they were forced to take a step forward or stop copying people.
Like a Cat
Even in the healthiest of relationships, people do things that their partners dislike. This is just a natural part of two people who have fundamental differences being so close.
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These texts show what could be an excerpt from an argument about just that with a couple. Generally, the person complaining was upset that their partner was lounging about all day. Their response was that this was just the reality of a realistic Catwoman living in their house.
It Was a Solid Attempt
When you’re trying to help someone out, there are often barriers along the way to work through. For instance, how do you make sure a missing phone gets back to its owner?
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This person found their significant other in the contacts and notified them. Honestly, it was a solid plan that probably would have worked. At the very least, it would have worked if they hadn’t found out and immediately tried to text their partner to let them know that their phone was found by a stranger.
Didn’t Quite Land
Before you can call someone your partner, you have to work up the courage to ask them out. This is often a nerve-wracking process that leaves you waiting in anticipation for their answer.
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As these texts show, though, there’s a lot that could go wrong when you ask someone out. For instance, a good starting place is to make sure that they understand what you’re trying to ask about. If you don’t, you could easily find yourself in this position.