Flooding seems to be a constant threat in some parts of the United States nearly every day of the year. This article will share tips on how to stay safe during a flood event. If you become aware of what do to, before, during and after a flood you can increase your chances of survival and know how to better protect your property.
Floods may result from melting snow, rain, storm surges, coastal storms and overflows of dams and other water systems. They can develop slowly or quickly, a flash flood for instance can come with no warning whatsoever.

Prepare yourself NOW:
- Sign up for your community’s warning system.
- Monitor potential signs such as heavy rain if flash flooding is a risk in your location.
- Learn the types of flood risks in your area.
- Save supplies in case of an emergency. Keep in mind specific needs including medication. Don’t forget your pets needs.
- Learn and practice evacuation routes, flash flood response and shelter plans.
- Look into flood insurance policy as it can protect the life you’ve built. Most Homeowner’s policies do not cover flooding.
- Keep important documents in waterproof containers.
- Protect your property; Declutter gutters and drains, move valuables to higher levels and install check valves.
DURING a flood:
- Evacuate immediately, if you are told so. Never drive around barricades because local responders use them to safely guide traffic out of flooded areas.
- Go the safest location you previously identified, depending on where you are.
- Listen carefully to Weather radio and local alerting systems for emergency instructions.
- Do not drive, walk or swim through flood waters. Turn the other way!
- If you are trapped in your vehicle in rapidly moving water, then stay inside. If water is getting in the vehicle, then seek protection on the roof.
- If you are trapped in a building, reach its highest level. Do not climb into a closed attic, you may get trapped. Only if necessary, go on the roof and signal for help.
- Stay away from bridges.

Stay safe AFTER:
- Avoid driving, unless it’s an emergency.
- Listen to authorities for instructions and information on how to get home safe.
- As snakes or other animals may have entered your house during a flood, make sure you wear boots and heavy gloves for cleanup.
- Floodwater may be contaminated so avoid walking in floodwater. Downed power lines or underground can also electrically charge the water.
- Use a generator or other gasoline-powered equipment outdoors ONLY and ways from windows.
- Be careful and do not touch electrical equipment as there is a risk of electrocution.