Constant Stress either from an unhappy marriage, unpaid bills or heavy workload can have real physical effects on the body. It has been linked to an extensive list of health issues including sleep, headaches and colds, mood and even heart disease.
Stress may also lead to unhealthy habits such as drinking too much alcohol, smoking and energy levels are low to exercise.
Here are a few simple tips to help you break that connection and deal with stress.

- Stay positive & Laugh it up – probably easier said than done but trying to stay positive in stressful situations is crucial. Laughing triggers endorphins and lowers levels of stress hormone, also reduces inflammation in arteries. Listen to a comedy station before or after work or share a giggle with a colleague.
- Meditate – The goal of meditation is to focus and understand your mind with the purpose to reach a higher level of awareness and inner calm. It has been shown to reduce heart risk factors like high blood pressure. Try to meditate 10-15 minutes per day to clear your mind.
- Cut the cord – It’s not possible to escape stress if it follows your everywhere. Avoid TV news and emails. Try to escape from the world even if it’s just 10-15 minutes each day.
- Get back to nature – If it’s not feasible to get out in the woods or to take a walk along the beach, listen to nature-based sounds like running waterfalls. Nature helps reduce stress and anxiety. When you need to unwind just switch on your music during your break.
- Exercise – Every time you are physically active, whether you go for a run or play volleyball, your body releases endorphin hormones. Exercising not only expels stress, it also protects against heart disease by strengthening your heart muscle, lowering blood pressure and maintaining a healthy weight.
- Use Essential oils – Specifically Lavender oil which is a traditional remedy used for anxiety and nervousness. Put a few drops on your pillowcase, or dab some oil on your collarbone or wrists next time you feel stressed.
- Catch up with a friend – sometimes all we need is to reach out to a friend to change frame of mind. Just be sure to pick wisely and not a friend that stresses you out already.

Stress can have serious health issues, including increased heart attack risk, stomach issues and breathing problems. Deal with your stress levels to reduce your risk of developing any health conditions.