Exercising regularly can reduce your risk of obesity, diabetes, depression and heart disease. People who are not active are twice as likely to develop heart disease compared to those who get regular exercise, according to the US Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health.
Additionally, regular exercise can lower your cholesterol and blood pressure. You want extra bonus? The American Heart Association (AHA) mentioned that for each hour spent exercising, you get two hours added to your life expectancy.
Dr.Bindra mentioned that over the last 50 years, several scientific reports have identified the benefit of exercise for the risk reduction in heart disease, to both healthy people and those with prevailing disease.
Whether you want to start exercising for a healthy heart or want to improve an existing heart disease, read below on three workouts you may want to integrate.
For better circulation: aerobic exercise

The AHA recommends getting at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity for overall cardiovascular health. You can walk 5 days a week or engage into vigorous aerobic activity for 25 minutes. Your blood circulation will be improved if you incorporate this type of exercise. Along with other benefits such as lowered blood pressure. Here are some examples of aerobic exercises:
- Aerobic-dancing/class
- Cycling (indoors or outdoors)
- Elliptical and steppers
- Spinning
- Running
- Swimming
- Hiking
The talk test is one of the easiest ways to monitor your exercise intensity.
You should be able to talk but not sing during moderate-intensity activity. During vigorous-intensity, you shouldn’t be able to say more than a few words without taking a breath.
For stronger muscles: Resistance training

Moderate or high intensity strength training twice a week is also recommended by the AHA. Stronger muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons enhance your daily performance and reduces your risk of injury.
Additional benefits include a boost in your metabolism and stronger muscles means you can burn more calories even you’re sedentary. Strength training isn’t just about free weights – check list below for ideas:
- Weight squats
- Walking lunges
- Resistance bands
- Push ups
- Jumping Jacks
- Row
Don’t forget to take at least a day off in between training so your muscles are able to recover.
For musculoskeletal health: Flexibility, stretching & balance
Good musculoskeletal health gives you the capability to perform aerobic and resistance exercises that are beneficial for your heart. Having good flexibility can aid with stability and possibly prevent injuries. Here are some flexibility-improving workouts you can try:

- Standing Hamstring stretch
- Lunge with Spinal Twist
- Knees to Chest
- Yoga
- Tai Chi
Let’s Get started
Its never too late to start. Better late than never! Bindra stated that even middle aged individuals who were inactive began an exercise regime and have seen an improvement in heart disease
Are you wondering how to stick to an exercise program once you’ve started? It’s important to stick to it so make sure you choose a workout you love and make it part of your daily routine.
Consult with your doctor prior to starting any new exercise plan If you have a heart disease.