Who doesn’t want to enjoy the dinner parties, family gatherings and New Year toasting? We all do. However, after a certain amount of munching, nibbling and drinking at any celebration, we start to feel uncomfortably full. Definite signs of swollen belly, and whatever you’re wearing feels you’re in the wrong size, gassiness and burping – show you are in the bloat zone. You may also experience heartburn and stomach cramps and sharp pains. Nicole Fearing, MD, bariatric and general surgeon at Menorah Medical Centre in Overland Park, Kansas suggests the 5 following simple ways to stop stomach bloating before it starts.
- Take it slow
Although you might be keen to stuff your face with your favorite pie, eating quickly can fast track the bloated belly. Its as equally important to chew your favorite food to have a better digestion. When you eat fast you also swallow more air which also contributes to bloating.

- Portion sizes
It makes sense that the more you eat the fuller your belly will get. Dr Fearing said that serving sizes have a lot to do with bloating. She also suggests working on controlling your portion sizes and eating smaller servings. Serving yourself with a smaller plate would definitely help with this.
- Having a plan
Fearing suggests that you will be less likely to go for an unhealthy option if you prepare and bring your own foods and appetizers when possible. If you prefer another strategy, prior to gatherings & events, decide how much deserts, bread and alcohol you’ll indulge into. In this way, you are giving yourself limits which gives you more control and a goal to work on. Keep those limits in mind when considering going for seconds. If you follow this, you are more like to leave the party with no regrets or belly bloat.

- Avoiding food triggers
We all have different sensitivities, but vegetables like cabbage and broccoli are known to produce gas as our bodies have trouble breaking them down. Majority of us know what triggers gassiness but for most people, refined sugars and processed foods are triggers without even realizing it. Fearing says that if you add more of these foods in your diet or are not used to eating them expect to have a bloat attack.
- Control the acid
Beverages like beer, sparkling cider, Champaign all taste good but be sure to expect another bloat attack when consumed. Fearing suggests staying away from carbonation and drink sufficient amount of water to flush out your system.