The sports world is full of storylines and players that we love to watch and love to hate. So we’re not surprised that there are many memes out there laughing at the whole sports experience and put them all into funny perspective. So, we’ve gathered all the funniest sports memes out there for the Ultimate Sports Memes Collection.
Flags flying
It really is like this meme though, which is why it’s so funny. Every time any lineman umps, both offense and defense immediately start pointing at each other as if it’s gonna have any sort of effect on the refs.

The true next-level move though is the Aaron Rogers special, of noticing it before the refs and using the free play off of the defense flinching.
Why did it have to be snakes?
If you can’t beat them – join them. That’s Kevin Durant’s motto in life. After blowing a 3-1 lead to the Warriors when he was playing with the Thunder, he swiftly packed his bags and moved over to the bay, where he won back to back finals as part of arguably the best team of all time.

Once he got that wrapped up he joined up with Kyrie Irving in Brooklyn to form yet another superteam.
Run forrest run
All dog owners know the feeling when their dog starts chomping on something that shouldn’t be in their mouths. Then starts the great race of getting whatever it is out of their mouths before they ruin it or swallow it.

We totally feel like a DK Metcalf chasing guys downfield. if we saw that log of a human coming at us we’d be blting too.
Making amends
This was one of the most tragic moments in NBA Finals history. With the score tied, George Hill missed the game-winning free throw.

After LeBron’s superhero performance that put the Cavs in a position to get the upset win, the Henny God, JR Smith, thought that they were up 1 point and dribbled the ball to half court, while LeBron was urging him to score. This led to the funniest meme ever, with Lebum furious at JR.
But.. how?
Sometimes, football players just boggle our mind with their questionable in game decision. Such is the case with this play that should have been the easiest touchdown of all time.

Alone at the 15 yd line, all Mitch here has to do is run it in, but easier said than done against the Pack, who somehow got lucky with a stop.
On point analysis
We can laugh at Kobe by now, right? As much as we love the Mamba, he did have quite the reputation for being a ball hog who took all the shots for himself and never passed to his teammates, who he didn’t even like.

So this draft analysis is pretty remarkable with how spot on it is. It also gets his insane work ethic and scoring ability down. The only thing missing here is a ‘Kobe!’ shout.
Social distancing
Today, everybody knows how to properly socially distance from one another, but we’d like to think that Ben Simmons has something to do with it. Seriously, the guy is literally scared of shooting threes, and then we wonder why he’s always on an island out there on the perimeter.

Maybe one day he’ll develop a respectable jumper and then he’ll start punishing defenders sagging off of him.
No losers here
So what’s the better deal – the Rogers Rate or the Patrick Price? We don’t know but we don’t care, because the ads are pretty funny. And you know that State Farm is beside themselves for picking these two as their presenters, who are about to face off in the Superbowl, if the Football gods permit.

Although, we have to confess we’re Packers fans here, so Rogers Rate all the way.
Pandemic P
We all know Paul George infamously called himself ‘Playoff P’ and then went on to drop a large egg in the playoffs. So, with him breaking shots all over the playoffs it was pretty evident that Playoff P is prone to choking in big moments.

Even funnier is what happened in the bubble, with paul George taking his chocking to a whole new level, which earned him his new and very funny nickname: Pandemic P.
Poor Steelers
The Steelers’ season started off so well. An 11 game winning streak to open the season had us all thinking that this is going to be their year.

But then they came back down to reality and lost almost all of their games to close the season, including two straight losses to the Browns, one in the first round of the playoffs.
LeBron’s three-point shot is one of the most fascinating things out there. When he started out, he didn’t have any consistent shot to speak of, but after the loss to the Spurs in the finals, he realized that he had to fix that.

So he got to work and developed an outside shot, only for some reason he chose to focus his shot from way downtown instead of the simple ones from the normal three-point line.
Now that’s commitment
The Jets will never get anything right. Even with their coach committing to gameplan instead of having nice thanksgiving dinner with his family, they mess it up and lose to another winless team.

It’s such a Jets thing to mess up that honestly, we’re surprised nobody told him that would be the case. Maybe next year he’ll have some better luck, but we know he won’t.
No fans
Let’s get something straight. The WNBA is a joke and a not funny one at that. We have nothing against women playing Basketball professionally, but the WNBA is not the way to do it.

The level of play is trash, the league’s marketing is garbage and the players themselves are constantly complaining about not getting paid as much as the men even though the league has never been profitable.
Not another one!
Can we please for the love of god, not watch another NFC east game? It feels like watching the XFL with this terrible level of play. Are we even sure that these teams are pro football teams?

One of these trams doesn’t even have a name, they’re just called ‘Football team’… how does that even make sense? Next time, please have an AFC south game on primetime instead of another Giants-Jets game. Please.
He shoots, and… brick
Welcome to Brick City: population: 1. Paul Geroge quickly made a name for himself as a bricklayer during the NBA bubble playoffs. So these jokes about his accuracy make total sense because clearly, he’d miss every target he shoots at.

Now that he’s locked up his contract for the next few years, he can safely fire away bricks, without having to worry about anything going wrong. We wonder what Kawhi is thinking about this whole situation.
Brought to you by Progressive
Let’s just talk about the company with the best ads out there. Progressive. We know that when we’ll go get insurance it will be progressive just because they have some of the funniest darn ads during NFL games.

A personal favorite of ours is the support group in which people are sharing ways that they’re becoming their parents. Just hilarious, and we keep wanting more.
Joker has spoken
How can somebody who looks like Jokic be an actual professional basketball player? It boggles all of our minds, but we don’t care because on the court he has no equal.

Anyway, this is a funny meme from back when the Nuggets took it to the Clippers when they came back from their 3-1 deficit. Gangsta Jokic is clearly the best Jokic, and from now on, we would like everybody to refer to him as such.
A special game
Only in 2020 is this kind of game possible. You’ve heard of Thanksgiving Football, You’ve heard of Thursday night Football, You’ve heard of Sunday and Monday night Football, well, get ready for the COVID induced Wednesday afternoon football.

What could be better than that? It was always meant to be and is definitely not a result of poor health management by the league.
We love cherrypicked stats because sometimes they’re just the most random collection of numbers tailor-made to boost the way we think of certain players. Sometimes, analysts have to dig so deep in order to find some random stat that nobody has ever heard of in order to inflate a player’s value.

We can do it too: Giannis Antentokumnpo is the only player from Greece to ever score 30 points while also being the best player in the NBA.
Perfectly balanced
When we were kids, we all had dreams of playing a professional sport, even though we knew our chances of making it to the big leagues were slim to none.

But still we dreamed, and then grew up and came to face reality, when we found out we’re just not that athletic after all. Well, sometimes, one of us gets luck, as is the case with Colts kicker Rodrigo Blankenship.
It do be like that
We never really noticed, but James Harden really is prime chubby hubby material. So let’s take this moment to throw some well-deserved shade at the guy.

Here’s an interesting stat: James Haden’s production goes down depending on the quality of strip clubs in the city that he’s playing in. also, can we talk about how he travels every time he takes a shot and how his whole game is based around drawing fouls? Just disgusting.
Oh no… oh… ok
Aaron Rogers is special and must be protected at all costs. So it’s totally understandable that Packer fans hold their breath for a second every time he gets sacked and is slow to get up.

We all know what happened the last time he got injured – the packers really did suck that season. Hopefully he makes it through the game without getting any sacks and wins titletown another ring.
Day ruined
Yup, try getting this one out of your head, we bet you that you can’t. We’ll just be here chilling with Duncan Robison, laughing at funny memes, and coming off screens to shoot 3s.

If you need us, you can find us at Nickelodeon, doing some animated adventures in Space Jam land, or maybe we just overdosed on some weird shrooms that are making us see all sorts of messed up stuff that we wish we didn’t.
No win November
Besides No Nut November, there is another ‘NO’ tradition that happens every November – No WIn November. In this month, all the bad teams of the league get together and don’t win a single game the entire month.

This season it was the Jgs, Jets and Bears that shared this dubious honor, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We wonder if the same teams will accomplish this also next season.
The Thunder literally have all of the picks in every draft for the next decade, seriously. First, they traded Paul George to the Clippers for 5 draft picks. Then, they traded Russel Westbrook to Huston for Chris Paul and even more picks.

Then, they traded Paul to the Suns for picks and traded for Al Horford and more picks. If they don’t land at least one superstar player from all these then something is messed up there.
Changing of the guard
We love Fitzmagic so much, we can’t even put it into words. We love his beard, we love his smile, his personality and his play.

But what we love most of all is how he was willing to take a step back and let young Tua into the spotlight, while not getting upset over his role. He was just there for the Dolphins, and helped the young QB take his first NFL steps.
Where it all went wrong
If we had a time machine, there is only one place we would go to immediately and without a second thought – game one of the 2012 playoff, where it all went wrong. Derrick Rose, the youngest MVP in league history, is about to tear his ACL and never be the same again.

We wish we could just stop him, never let him get injured and watch him blossom into the best player in the league like he was meant to be.
It can always be worse
What’s funny about this meme is that it could be applied to any Atlanta Falcons game and could still be just as relevant. This team has a knack for blowing leads and choking away wins in the fourth quarter.

It really is a unique talent that only they have, and we wonder if they’ll ever get a lucky break. We highly doubt it, but at least the memes are funny.
Let’s talk Deni
We all know who the best player on the Washington Wizards really is – Deni Avdija. The rookie is not only showing some promising signs as a playmaker and scorer.

He’s also a prolific player who’s well on his way to the Rookie of the Year award, multiple all-star appearances, All NBA selections, multiple MVP awards, and a first-ballot Hall of Famer. All we have to do now is wait for the team to realize that.
Oops I did it again
Let’s talk about the fact the New York Jets not only messed up Cleveland’s season (they were fine until Mahomes) but also totally bombed their chances of getting the #1 pick in the draft, with a silly win over the browns.

Seriously, this team is so bad they’re even bad at being bad. We see no hope for them in the future and wish them the worst of luck.
Same difference
Shout out to the Lopez brothers, who we love so much. It’s a shame they’re no longer on the same team, since their fake sibling rivalry in Milwaukee was one of if not the funniest things that happened last season.

We do love Robin’s ongoing battle with the league’s mascots and wish him all the best in Washington. Maybe one day they’ll be reunited once again on a team, and we’ll be grateful.
Calm down NFC
The NFC East is trash, we all know that, but that doesn’t mean that the teams in it can’t put the rest of their opponents back in their place.

It was a rollercoaster year for them, with so many terrible teams vying for a playoff spot, and it was funny just to watch them as they stumbled into a first-round exit.
Patrick Beverly is the player that you love if he plates for your team, but you hate if he plays against you. He just has that dog mentality that can drive opponents crazy, his semi-dirty plays can be very blatantly obvious and infuriating to watch.

This is why we love seeing him getting a lesson in humility when Luka casually drops a 40 burger on him, and he somehow still claims to be a good defender.
NFC is harder than AFC
Poor Tom Brady, he sure does miss the days when he could chomp on the bad teams of the AFC, and his road to the Superbowl was easy.

Now, in the NFC, he has his work cut out for him with tough teams in the Saints and the Packers that won’t let him reach the Superbowl as easily as he once did. We’re getting serious regret vibes off of him.
Small ball good
The Houston Rockets were way ahead of their time, and it was sad to see them fall apart the way they did. Before the James Harden trade, they were on the cutting edge of Basketball, risking it all with their small-ball experiment.

While the team didn’t win it all, it proved that small ball could be the way of the future, a far departure from the big lineups Houston was known for in the 90s.
Football team vibes
It’s funny that a team without a name was the cause for the turning point of the Steelers’ season. Instead of going 16-0, thanks to the Washington Football Team, the Steelers fell to 12-4 after going 1-4 to close the season after starting 11-0.

And all of that, thanks to the nameless team that could. Hopefully they have a real name by next season.
Close but no cigar
Props to the Phoenix Suns for trying, but all they achieved in the bubble was for nothing. They went undefeated the whole time, and still, all their efforts amounted to nothing, since their record was still not good enough for reaching the play-in games.

Still, it was a fun experience to watch, and it made for quite the fun storyline while we were waiting for the playoffs to start. Also, Devin Booker is overrated, bye.
That happend
The NFL has so many random stats that make teams and players out to be so much better than they actually are that the stats are totally and utterly useless.

Like, who cares about some randomly specific thing that was tailor made to make player X look like the best player of all time? They seriously need to stop this stupid trend and show us meaningful analysis.
Let’s talk about blowing a 3-1 lead, shall we? First off, nobody can forget the time Golden State did it in the finals, somehow letting LeBron James come back and win his third finals. Doc Rivers has now blown a 3-1 lead with every franchise he’s ever coached.

Only 13 teams have ever come back from a 3-1 deficit. Spoiler Alert: Lakers are about to blow this kind of lead this season when they’ll lose to the Bucks in the finals.
Not so fast
The NFC east is obviously the laughingstock of the league, but that doesn’t mean that they’ll back down so easily. Every once in a while an NFC team will actually show up for a game and play spoiler for a much better team that wasn’t expecting any sort of a fight out of them.

And you know what they say about teams that lose to the NFC east – a first round exit is surely in their future.
I barely touched him
NBA players can sometimes pass for pro wrestlers with the moves they put on other players. They literally beat up other players and then pretend like they don’t know what they did any argue with the refs over calling them for fouls.

The whale thing can be pretty funny to watch from the side, especially if the player in question then gets a tech for his obvious whining. Somebody should really show them the security footage.
Bailing out the niners
We all know that Jimmy Jesus isn’t the hero behind the 49ers success. It’s all due to coaching, and most of all George Freking Kittle making all of the catches ever. He’s the one good thing that the team has going for it, and we all know it’s true.

But did you know that he and Packers TE Robert Tonyan are actually good friends, and Kittle is a big reason for Bob breaking out this season?
The three piglets
Two brothers. In the NBA, and then Lavar Ball calls out MJ, and they flop as hard as they can. And then they’re traded. And then a pandemic started. And that’s when shots started falling.

Another father… shows up, with a challenge to call Magic Johnson that brings his fire no-look passes… and then Lonzo and Lemaelo turn into a fire lizard and battle for the final all-star spot… It’s… two brothers! In the NBA!
An impossible catch
Deandre Hopkins sure is a beast out there – watch as he goes up and catches a hail mary over 4 smothering defenders. Wait, do you only count 3 in the picture?

Well, look again because there is some head coaching that is definitely working against him on this one. And still, Hopkins proves once again that he’s coach-proof with this incredible game-winner.
Heavy burden
It’s no secret who’s really carrying the Miami Heat – not Goran Dragic, not Bam Adebayo, but the one, the only the tough Jimmy G Buckets (the G stands for ‘gets’, obviously).

It’s quite amazing to see how this little team that could runs circles around the NBA without any true superstar. Too bad Giannis won’t be joining them anytime soon, just kidding, we like him just where he is.
We all know how it ended
Never count out Aaron Rogers with time on the clock. The Stache will prove to you why he’s deep in the greatest of all time conversation, when he wills his team to a win at the last second.

We all know it’s gonna happen, so why even pretend like there’s gonna be a different outcome.
Come on ref
NBA players really like complaining about fouls that they obviously committed. Especially if those fouls led to a bucket, they’ll just get furious with the ref for daring to call them out for their obvious fouling.

Maybe they’ll stop whining all the time and actually play defense for once, but we’re not getting our hopes up. The funniest though is when players complain about technical foul and then get another tech on top of it.
Luka magic
White Luka is the best player in basketball, this is known. White Luka might actually be the second coming of Jesus Christ if Mark Cuban has anything to say about it.

The Mavs sure do love their white European superstars, because they somehow went from Dirk to Luka without even batting an eye. So much luck isn’t even fair, and we’re all jealous of them now. Well, we’ll just sit here hugging our Giannis and we’ll be fine.
Have you seen my Ky?
This new dynamic duo got off to a rough start with Kyrie ditching town right when James Harden’s belly rolled into town for what he called ‘personal reasons’. It was a weird time for the Nets, one filled with speculation about the fit of this new big three, both on the court as well as personality-wise off of it.

Here’s hoping it goes poorly so the Bucks can steamroll them all the way to the finals.
Clippers are playoff ready
Blowing leads is what the Clippers are best at. They blew this huge lead to the Warriors, they blew multiple 3-1 playoff series leads, and we heard a rumor that that blew a lead to the Lakers in the battle for LA.

But this shouldn’t really surprise any Warrior fans who know how deadly this team is in the 3rd quarter and came back from many a deficit just like this countless of times before.
The bad contract god
Some people just want to watch the world burn, and giving Rudy Gobert a near Supermax extension is one way of getting us near it. Seriously, who thought this would be a good idea?

We know, the Jazz are atop the western conference right now, but what will happen come playoff time? They’ll be out by the second round like they always are because they lack the top-end talent needed to win it all.
Times they are a changin’
Times due change quickly, as this meme points out. Boy do we feel old now, and we’re not sure that’s a good thing. We still remember the Twin Towers of the Pelicans terrorizing the Blazers in the first round, we remember the promise that was the OKC big three before it fell apart.

We remember Chris Paul and James Harden when they still liked each other, and who can forget the legendary Leonard – James battles.
Playing spoiler
What a way to spoil the party, Mr. Collin Sexton. All of us here are saying thanks for the effort and managing to put the pompous Brooklyn Nets team back in their place where they belong.

He really did exactly what we wanted him to, and we can’t help but laugh at this no-defense trio for being exposed for what they are by a young upstart team with nothing to lose. And then the next night he did it again, amazing.
The good ol’ days
Back in the day, the Pistons were the might of the NBA. they single-handedly stopped the GOAT Michael Jordan from reaching the NBA finals, and on two straight championships in the 80s.

That team was known as the ‘Bad Boy’ Pistons, and boy were they some bad men. These days the Pistons are still bad, but not in the same sense as they once were, and it’s pretty sad to see. Maybe one day they’ll return to their former glory.
Oh, shoot
Once upon a time, coaching the Golden State Warriors was easy, they would practically coach themselves. Literally. One time Steve Kerr let Draymond ‘Donkey’ Green coach the team during a blowout win over the Suns.

But it’s harder to do that these days, without Kevin Durant, and with Klay Thompson out injured. Steve Kerr needs to come to terms with the fact that he needs to do some actual coaching for the team to be good.
I make my own rules
Kyrie sure dows live on his own planet. Or is it a flat planet? We don’t know, we can’t keep up with this guy’s latest shenanigans. Seriously, every week it seems like he comes up with a new crazy stunt to pull, or some other attention-seeking stunt that makes us all question his sanity.

Eventually, it has to end, right? He can’t keep getting away with this kind of behavior forever? Right? We sure hope not.