12 ways to prepare your home for winter

If you are looking for ways to keep you and your family safe during heavy winter, you’ve landed on the right page.

Snow, blizzards, sleet and colder air introduce a new set of concerns for homeowners.

November has been claimed as the month with the most dramatic drop in average temperatures. Really cool temperatures pose severe concerns regarding stability of homes across nations.

Top things to do to get your home ready for cold weather:

  1. Clear your gutters.
  2. Repair roof leaks.
  3. Replace loose, damaged or missing shingles that may leak during a winter blizzard.
  4. Weather-strip and caulk doors and windows.
  5. Insulate attics and walls against drafts.
  6. Switch off exterior faucets as these pipes can outbreak if they freeze.
  7. Crawl spaces with insulation sleeves and wrap water pipes in your basement to slow down heat transfer.
  8. Prevent ice dams – where melted snow refreezes in the gutters and soaks under the roof. To prevent ice dams: Insulate the attic floor and ventilate the attic. A water-repellent membrane installed under your roof covering could be a good option.
  9. Drain your irrigation system.
  10. Get a contractor to check your roof to see if it can tolerate heavy snowfall weight.
  11. To avoid waiting in line for repairs on a cold day, tune up your heating system.
  12. Clean your chimney and order firewood.

There are various tools available on the web to help you with weather preparedness, such as personalized weather preparedness plans, in-app push notifications, tailored emergency kits with detailed shopping lists, toolkit with safety tips, educational weather news and more.

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