5 Times People Wrote Funny Things When They Were Not Trying To, As Shared In This Online Group

Humor is a powerful tool. It can make us laugh, lighten up a tense moment, and even make us see the world in a new way. When we’re able to harness humor in our writing, it can be the difference between an average piece of content and something that stands out.

In this group post, writers share some of their funniest moments when they were not trying to be funny. Take a look, and see if you can identify any of your own funny moments!

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Walmart is one of the most popular places in the United States. With over 2,500 stores, it is one of the largest retailers in the world. It is also one of the most popular places to work. According to a 2016 study by Forbes, Walmart was ranked as the best place to work in America.

However, Walmart is not without its funny moments. In this online group, people share funny things that happened to them when they were not trying to be funny. Here are some examples:

1) A woman shared an experience where she accidentally bought a $50 gift card while she was shopping at Walmart. She attempted to use the gift card at checkout, but was told that it was not valid because it was too small of a denomination.

2) Another woman shared an experience where she was buying groceries for her family and she accidentally got a $5 refund for a purchase that she had already made.

3) A man shared an experience where he went into Walmart with his parents and he got lost for about an hour. He ended up finding his way back home after spending some time wandering around the store.

4) A woman shared an experience where she accidentally left her phone behind at Walmart and she had to call someone to help her get home from work because she did not have access to her phone or any money on her bank account to pay for a taxi ride home.

These are just four examples of hilarious things that have


When people are not trying to be funny, they can sometimes produce some pretty funny writing. This online group, called “That Awkward Moment,” allows users to share their funniest moments when they were not trying to be funny. Here are some of the funniest Times People Wrote Funny Things When They Were Not Trying To:

1. “I was trying not to yawn, but it just came out as a licked.”
2. “I was going for a casual handshake, but ended up licking my opponents hand.”
3. “My mom asked me if I wanted dessert and I thought about licking her dessert spoon before responding.”
4. “I was trying to hide my facial expression when my friend told a hilarious joke, but ended up giving away the whole thing.”
5. “I was unsuccessfully attempting to stifle a belch while talking on the phone with my dad.”


Times people wrote funny things when they were not trying to, as shared in this online group. The following are three examples:

1. “My husband is so cute that I sometimes forget he’s a man.”
2. “I was driving and I saw a bear…in broad daylight!”
3. “My mom always says ‘life is what you make it, and if you make it miserable, then that’s your own fault.'”


Times people wrote funny things when they were not trying to, as shared in this online group. People from all walks of life contributed their funniest blooper stories, and the results are hilarious. From forgetting someone’s name to accidentally calling a pet a dinosaur, these missteps will have you laughing out loud.


If you’ve ever been the victim of one of those embarrassing moments, where you unintentionally say or do something funny and then realize it, this is the online group for you. This group is filled with people who have experienced the same thing – that moment when they’re not trying to be funny but end up being hilariously awkward. Whether it’s poking fun at ourselves or others, these groups give us a place to share our funniest moments without feeling embarrassed or ashamed. So if you’ve ever had a moment that made your cheeks hurt from laughter, give these groups a try!

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