61 Funny and strange Moments Captured at Airports

No matter if you love airports or you don’t, those 61 situations will make you laugh!

Everybody loves traveling, a big part of traveling is being at the airport and while some of us love and others detest, and we can’t say which side we’re on. Airports attract people from all ages and from all around the world, and so it’s no wonder that these random and bizarre moments happened to be captured at airport terminals. Here are some of the best moments captured at airports; if you have a funny airport incident, feel free to share it with us!

I am your father

Most fathers are sometimes a source of embarrassment for their kids – they mean the best, and we love them with all our hearts, but sometimes they can be embarrassing for us. This father did what any good father would and dressed up as the notorious Darth Vader to pick up his daughter at the airport.

Imagine coming home from summer camp, waiting enthusiastically to see your parents, struggling to find your father, and then realizing he’s the guy in the Darth Vader suit. We can’t stay mad at them, because that’s their special way of expressing their love and affection, and they only mean to make us smile!

Someone should really say something

When this woman picked out this color for her head pillow she probably thought it was neutral and not too eye-catching, but boy was she wrong. We all have one of those cushions, since, well, airport seats aren’t all that comfortable, and we want to try and make the best out of every flight (even though it’s a hopeless battle if you ask us).

These pillows are great for the flight, but as long as we’re not on a plane, they’re just bothersome; that’s why we usually hang them on our handbags. However, this woman never considered this color might pose a problem, and she walked around the terminal completely clueless as to why people were staring at her.

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You guys

Returning home from vacation is always hard; going back to our boring daily lives and routine and leaving behind those great memories is hard on all of us. The one thing that can alleviate the pain of this moment is to have your friends or family pick you up at the airport, and finally see the people you’ve missed so much.

It is no different for fictional villains, who also, apparently, miss their friends while on vacation. Of course, these aren’t real stormtroopers, but Star Wars fans, and this isn’t really Darth Vader, but another hardcore Star Wars fan, who all decided to make a tribute to the upcoming film in the franchise, The Last Jedi.

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Did you pack alone?

When you pick up a friend from the airport on Christmas eve, you must have the right spirit, which in this case means wearing a Christmas suit from head to tow. There’s nothing that says Christmas more than a Christmas tree, and if you look like one, even better.

The holidays are among the few times a year we get to see our families, and this guy seems pretty excited about picking up his family at the airport to celebrate Christmas together. Or maybe he was just excited about his new suit, and he couldn’t wait to show it off.

We’ve missed you, mom

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If we’re completely honest, we all get desperate without mom in the house. We like to think we’re mature and independent and that we don’t need anybody’s help, but it’s nice to be spoiled and pampered by our parents every once in a while.

In the case of this guy, however, it seems as if he took it too far, and he never went shopping when his parents were gone. When he came to pick them up at the airport, the first thing we wanted to say is how much he’s missed them. Of course, his way of saying that was “we’re out of cereal.”

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What’s that now?

That’s what we call a welcome party. While most people go with the same old “welcome home” slogan, others are more creative, and by creative we mean whimsical. I’m sure that’s the first thing he wanted to hear when he got off this flight.

Hearing your sister is pregnant can be either good or bad news, depends on the circumstances, but hearing it the minute you get off a flight is never a good time – you’re all tired and drained, physically and emotionally, from the long flight, sleep-deprived and exhausted after the long journey, and so it isn’t the right time to hear this kind of news.

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It’s not every day you see around a hundred falcons flying commercial. When we want to travel with pets, since they aren’t allowed on the plane, for obvious reasons, they need to be shipped in the plane’s belly. However, when you’re royalty, you have the financial means and status to fly your birds any way you see fit.

The Saudi Prince wanted to fly his falcons between the Arab Emirates, and he wanted them to get the royal treatment. As a prince, he could afford to purchase all the plane tickets just for his birds, who now know what flying feels like for humans.

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As if naming their kid Mokie wasn’t punishment enough, these supporting parents decided to pick him up at the airport with a rather creative sign. They could have picked any photo of him, but they wanted to have fun with Mokie, and they picked the worst picture they could find, but probably the one that is most characteristic of him.

We’re sure Mokie appreciated the gesture. Why do things the regular way, when you can have them your way? Picking up people at the airport mostly isn’t a fun task, and these parents wanted to make the best out of it.

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Looking for someone in particular?

When this guy picked up his wife from the airport, he wanted to do something funny and thoughtful that might surprise her. People at the terminal waiting to pick up their loved ones probably thought he was a limousine driver waiting to pick up a stranger, but the joke was on them.

His wife must’ve been flattered unless she thought he was waiting for someone else, in which case it could have made for a very uncomfortable situation. She was also returning from a work trip accompanied by her colleagues and boss, so he picked the right time for this prank. Hopefully, she shares his sense of humor.

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Too much information

This family thought picking up their mother at the airport after spending so much time apart would make a nice gesture, but when you make a welcome home sign, a simple “welcome home” does the job. The middle sign is quite unnecessary if you ask us.

Then again, there are three of them – a father and two kids, and they probably needed a sign for each of them, so although the middle sign is redundant (to put it nicely), they couldn’t really give it up. What they could’ve done instead, if they wanted everyone to have a job holding something, was get her a bouquet of flowers or balloons.

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It’s the thought that counts

The phrase “it’s the thought that counts” is often used in regards to children because, more often than not, the letters, drawings, or other works of art they make us are, well, what you would expect them to be – let’s put it that way. They try their best, and what we appreciate about it most is the effort rather than the outcome.

This girl was excited to finally have her mom back home, and so she made her this heartwarming sign to welcome her with at the airport. Of course, we can only assume it is heartwarming, since we can’t read a word of what it says, but it’s the thought that counts!

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Welcome party

This guy probably didn’t expect this as a welcome party – the girl he only dated briefly and her (rather intimidating) older brother, but life is full of surprises. It was nice of them to pick him up at the airport, but the sign really seems unnecessary if you ask us.

This was probably his way of saying he wasn’t happy with this situation, and the half-apologetic look on the girls face says, “sorry, not sorry.” If this is the welcome party he gets, I don’t want to know what’s waiting for him when he gets home. Perhaps he should have stayed in Europe.

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Airport shenanigans

This is a unique way of riding the belt at the airport, and we think there might be two possible explanations for this photo: either this girl wanted to show off her skills, or her flight was significantly delayed, and she had some spare time at the airport.

Waiting for a delayed flight can get pretty boring, but we’ve never resorted to anything like this. That’s why it’s recommended to bring a book with you to a flight, and make sure your phone is fully charged. It’s also possible this girl is on her way to a vacation she’s been waiting a long time for, and she couldn’t contain her excitement. Honestly, we can’t blame her; we might react the same way next time we’re at an airport.

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The best sign yet

What seems most impressive about this sign, other than the adorable idea behind it and the even more adorable execution, is that the baby has a signature. We’re sure the baby missed his father terribly, but we have a feeling that his mother is the one behind this message.

We do appreciate her sense of humor, and how she acknowledges that she can be a handful. Coming home and seeing this sign should be very heartwarming, and at these moments, we appreciate having friends and family that care about us enough to embarrass us every now and then.

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Good job, Kristen

She seemed like a very supportive friend until we noticed she brought a champagne bottle with her! On any other occasion, that would be very thoughtful, but in this case, it seems incredibly inconsiderate, given the circumstances.

Clearly, she meant it as a joke, but it’s not a very tasteful one. Picking up people at the airport isn’t a hard task, but it’s an important one, and if someone has asked you for this favor, it means they trust you. Hopefully, this girl saw this gesture as nothing but a joke, otherwise, she won’t ask her friend to pick her up ever again.

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Hey, I just met you

Thanks to this sign, now we won’t be able to get this song out of our heads for the rest of the day. This is a very nice gesture, but they probably should’ve picked a different song. As far as pick up signs are concerned, this is a very creative one – although it doesn’t even say welcome home.

This baby is too young to make a sign of her own, but she wanted to greet her grandparents at the airport nonetheless – after all, it was her they came to see! So her parents helped her with the sign, but they put it on the stroller to make sure her grandparents know she had a part in it as well – she was the inspiration, which is the most important part.

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Who now?

We appreciate the Friends reference, but we’re not sure everyone else would understand this sign. This must be a private joke for this couple, who, it’s safe to assume, are hardcore Friends fans. Every couple has their own private jokes that only the two of them understand.

Even if you’re not a fan and this sign means nothing to you, you can imagine the surprise and glee on this girl’s face when she saw her partner waiting with this sign. This is the kind of love we wish we’d have one day!

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Business or pleasure?

Thousands of people wait all year for the Comic-Con, and when it finally arrives, they can’t wait another minute to put on the costume they’ve prepared months ago. While the shoeshine stand at the airport is meant for shoes, rather than armors, they would never refuse to pay customers.

These guys thought that as long as they have some free time at the airport, it might be a good idea to get their shine on and look their best for the convention. While these ladies might be used to shining shoes for businessman on their way to business conventions, there’s a first time to everything.

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We can’t see the sign

We’ve seen a lot of random things by now, but we never imagined we’d see a dinosaur at the airport. The strangest thing about this photo, however, isn’t even the giant dinosaur, but the fact that people around him seem to be completely oblivious and nonchalant about it.

It’s too bad we can’t see the sign he’s holding and we don’t know who this dinosaur is waiting for, but we really hope he’s going to meet another dinosaur, kind of like the Darth Vader and his storm troopers bit. Either way, I wouldn’t mind having this kind of surprise waiting for me.

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He could have saved the congratulations for the car, but where’s the fun in that? Picking up someone at the airport is a great responsibility, and with great responsibility comes great power (yes, we know it’s the other way around).

We get the feeling this is a joke, and it’s a pretty good one, provided that his mother (or is it father?) has a good sense of humor. I’m sure this sign turned a few heads at the terminal, especially after his mom finally showed up.

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Security check

We noticed the sign of the security check says “no jokes,” so they’ve probably seen everything and heard every joke in the book by now, but honestly, we don’t think this guy meant this as a joke. We’re pretty sure he was completely serious when he decided to take his clothes off for this check.

They often tell you to take out your belt, your watch, your shoes, and maybe several other items, but this man took the security instructions one step (or one shirt) too far. He probably also never considered what he decided to wear that morning under his clothes. This kind of hilarious moment can only be captured at airports.

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Ho, ho, ho

Santa Claus also needs to fly – otherwise, how could he give presents to children all over the country? The thing with the sleigh isn’t real, you know. This guy working as Santa took his temporary job a little too seriously, and he didn’t leave the character until it was Easter.

Perhaps we’ve had time to forget what airports look like by now (we’ve only been home for two weeks but it feels like much longer), but we don’t remember ever seeing Santa anywhere around the airport, let alone at line for the baggage check.

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We’re in Seattle

This father and his boys waited to pick up their mother at the Seattle airport, and they wanted to have some fun with the other passengers of the flight, holding up a sign that reads, “welcome to Florida.” Imagine getting off a plane and seeing this sign – wouldn’t it freak you out, even for a moment?

They even dressed the part – in Hawaiian shirts – to make it look even more believable. This isn’t the first time they do this, but it has become a regular custom every time this family visits the airport! I’m sure that after the initial shock and panic, people appreciate this joke for what it is.

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Terminal bound

Tom Hanks is one of the most beloved actors around the country for a reason – everything he touches turns to gold, including, of course, his touching and memorable performance in The TerminalIf you haven’t yet seen it – there’s no time like the present. And without any spoilers, we’ll just say Tom Hanks spends a lot of time at the airport. For some reason, this photo reminds us of the film.

We thought the film was fictional, but as this photo suggests, these people have spent a lot of time at the airport, if they feel this comfortable. The waiting chairs weren’t enough for them anymore, and they needed to take over a corner where they could get some peace and quiet.

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What happens in Thailand

This is a classic case of too much information. The sentiment behind this is very nice, but we get the feeling every word on this sign was written with purpose and intention to embarrass her. They say that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but if you ask us, in this case, what happened in Thailand wasn’t supposed to be written on this sign. Ideally, what happens in Thailand stays in Thailand.

We live for those moments where we get the opportunity to really embarrass someone we love, and the reason why people do it is that we all know that know matter how upset they might get, they’ll find it in their hearts to forgive us.

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Come on

We’ve seen that while some people stick with the good old “welcome home” (why trade a winning horse?) others want to express some creativity in their pick up signs, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Of course, if we were to be on the receiving end of those signs, we might feel differently.

If you want to make anyone blush in public, this is one way to do so. Even if they aren’t even related, who’s going to know? The important thing is it made her friend laugh, even if it made a few people around them feel very uncomfortable.

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A good night’s sleep

When you arrive at the airport too early and everything goes smoothly, you might find yourself waiting for your flight with nothing to do. It gets even worse when the flight is delayed and you have a long and unexpected stopover. That’s why it’s not uncommon to find people sprawled over the waiting area, trying to get some sleep and pass the time.

We all know how uncomfortable these chairs can get after sitting on them for hours, and, well, they aren’t designed to sleep on, so finding the right position for a nap might be challenging. That’s what this woman was doing – trying to find the ultimate sleeping position for her nap, while she waits for her plane. After all, there aren’t many people waiting, and so she can take up as much space as she likes.

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When dad’s in charge

Flying can be an exhausting experience, and it gets that much more demanding when you’re traveling with kids, who demand constant attention and care. We’ve all fallen asleep on those waiting chairs at least once in our lives, and we can relate to this poor father who only wanted to close his eyes for five minutes, and woke up covered in stickers.

Finding entertainments and games for children in airports is tricky – you need to come up with something rather quiet, that wouldn’t disturb the people around you, and those stickers probably seemed like the perfect idea. Now that we’re home with the kids all day, finding educating and entertaining ways to pass the time is crucial, and we recommend going online and looking for tips written by other parents.

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Welcome home, grandma

Nothing could be as heartwarming than having your beloved grandchildren welcome you at the airport when you finally return from… well, it doesn’t matter from where. The point is, her grandchildren clearly missed her, and they found the best way to show their infinite love and support.

Unfortunately, once again, they could have spared some of the information; even though they are proud of her accomplishments, no one needs to know she’s been sober for seventeen days. It’s a nice gesture, and the sentiment behind it is beautiful, but we would’ve gone with a different execution. But perhaps it’s just us.

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Registered patent

Don’t you hate it when you’re waiting to pick up your luggage after a long flight, and you can’t seem to recognize it since all the suitcases look alike? We sure do. The worst part about it is the confusion it creates, and it even gets as bad as people mistaking other people’s luggage to be their own and taking them.

This guy found a perfect way to battle this phenomenon – put his face on the luggage. That way, no one could ever mistake this suitcase to be theirs. We’ve never seen anything like this before, and it sure is a one-of-a-kind suitcase. If you ask us, this man should have a patent under his name for coming up with this creative solution.

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This is more of an instruction than a pick-up sign, but at least she remembered to write at the bottom, “oh and welcome home or whatever” (okay, we added the second part, but that’s the vibe we’re getting from this sign).

Nonetheless, you could tell her intentions were pure. She clearly missed her children, who finally came back from college, and she wanted to be the first one to get that hug. We can relate to that, and at this point of the list we’ve seen stranger things.

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Flying is tiring

We all get tired during flights, what with all the waiting in long lines, getting no sleep on the plane thanks to the crying baby in the seat behind you, and the overall stress that sometimes accompanies us while traveling. For children, this experience can be that much more exhausting.

When we’re tired enough, we can fall asleep in odd places, as this girl demonstrates. We can’t blame her for falling asleep, in fact, we can relate with her, and at least she’s small enough to fall asleep on the suitcase and just enjoy the ride in peace.

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Just say no

This is a very supportive sign and a very supportive friend, but perhaps she should’ve kept the slogans for a more private situation. A drinking problem, or any other addiction, is a private issue for people who are struggling with it, and so this sign seems to be lacking some tact.

You can tell she put a lot of thought and effort into this poster, but while her heart was in the right place, she should have saved the congratulations for the car. A simple “welcome back” sign would have done the trick, if you ask us.

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It’s a national holiday

This man seems so happy with his initiative, and we fully support this idea. We can only assume his flight was delayed and he had a few hours to spend at the airport when this idea came to mind, otherwise, we can’t imagine anyone else wasting time on such a thing.

We’d be happy to run into this man at the airport, since it’s always a good time for a drink – whether you’re coming back from a vacation and need something to lift your spirits, or you’re on your way to a vacation, in which case, we can’t think of a better way to get in the right spirit!

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This seems steady

They have some unique patents at the airport that seem like they would take months of training to learn! Stacking this mountain of suitcases seems like it requires a very special set of skills that not many people have, and so this must be one of the job requirements.

They warn us against packing valuable and vulnerable things in the suitcase since once it leaves our sight, no one can promise us our precious luggage is handled with care. They have so many suitcases, they can’t afford to handle each one of them separately, and they just throw them all in a bundle, like the one you see above. from now on, we’re packing lightly.

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How romantic

This man missed his partner so much, which made him decide he couldn’t wait one more day to propose, and did it the second they reunited. Choosing the right time to pop the question is always a challenge, and this guy certainly found a unique time to do so (we’re not saying it’s the best, but it’s something else).

It is a romantic gesture, if you think about it, but after a long flight, I can’t imagine anyone wanting to make this life-changing decision. I mean, give the man a chance to visit the bathroom, pick up his luggage and regroup! We only have one question left – did he say yes?

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Welcome home!

We fully understand his anger, and he has every right to be upset, but it seems like this guy has found the worst possible timing and way to break up with his unfaithful girlfriend. There isn’t really a good timing for a break-up, but a crowded airport pickup area definitely seems like the worst place for it.

He probably couldn’t have suffered an entire car ride without letting her know he found out about her infidelity, and so this man decided to get it over with as soon as he spots her at the terminal. This way, he didn’t even have to say anything, as the sign did all the talking for him. As far as airport pickup signs go, this is perhaps the strangest one we’ve seen yet.

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For your convenience

Wait, what pets? Since when are pets allowed to roam free around airports? We do like how much thought they put into this, however. Making the pets’ toilet look like the street, to make them feel comfortable and at home while going about their business.

Flying is an stressful experience for pets, who aren’t used to being on planes, or any new (and moving) environment, for that matter. The people at the airport probably wanted to make this experience just a bit more accommodating for our furry friends.

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You get a present, and you get a present

Everyone gets a present! We don’t know how checking small gifts is even possible, but at this point, we’ve learned that the airport isn’t what we thought it was, and not to ask too many questions.

This group of people seems to be waiting anxiously for their luggage to arrive, and we can only imagine their confusion at seeing those wrapped presents on the luggage belt. There must be an explanation behind this, and if you ask us, it might be an April’s fools prank.

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A romantic gesture

It seems as if this guy had a big decision to make, and he’s had some time to think about it before his girlfriend returned from her trip. When he decided he was willing to fully commit to this relationship and take on the role of a father, he decided to let Anna know in the most romantic (and public) way.

The first thing Anna saw when she arrived home after her work trip was this good news. We’re not sure how we feel about sharing this intimate moment, as exciting as it is, with the other visitors of the airport, but hopefully, Anna appreciated this gesture for what it was.

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Can’t stay mad at them

Dogs are men’s best friend – anyone who’s ever owned a dog can verify this statement – and for that reason, we can’t really stay mad at them. They know how cute they are, and we know they never mean harm, and all they do is either out of pure love, enthusiasm, or confusion.

This isn’t the most welcoming welcome-home sign we can’t think of – this isn’t exactly the news you want to receive after returning home from a much-needed vacation – but this man knew his wife couldn’t stay mad at the dogs, and anyhow, there isn’t really a good time to break this kind of news.

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Poor Jody

Why bother picking someone up at the airport if you dislike them so much? This is quite the weird welcome party, but perhaps it’s a private joke between these two friends that we simply don’t understand. We sure hope that’s there’s a funny story behind this sign, otherwise, it’s just mean.

Perhaps after seeing this sign, Jody would rather go back to California than spending an hour in the car with this sour face. We don’t know what happened between them and whether or not this is a joke, but this isn’t a warm welcome we’re expecting when we’re back from a vacation.

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113 days on the spot

The moment of reunion between two lovers is always a magical one, and it’s that much more emotional when the man returns from duty and the woman picks him up at the airport – at the risk of sounding too kitschy, this almost seems like a moment taken from a movie.

When the much-awaited moment has finally arrived, this woman came prepared with the perfect sign – she had to let the world know she’s been patiently waiting for no less than 113 days to finally see her boyfriend, to provide everyone at the airport with a little entertainment and inspiration.

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Everyone together: “Awwww”

Sometimes, to get the message across, you don’t need to be too creative or too original. Sometimes, all you need is, to be honest, and say what’s on your mind, as this sign demonstrates. Also, when you haven’t seen your significant other in so long, and all you can think of is finally hugging them, being witty is difficult!

True, it might not make everything at the terminal laugh, but a sign like this is guaranteed to put a smile on your friend’s face! And hey, it might not be too witty or creative, but we can tell a lot of thought and effort were put into this sign, and that’s all that matters.

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These kids arrived to pick up their parents at the airport after a long vacation, and to show them how much they’ve missed them, they’ve decided to pull a little prank. As they debated what to write on the welcome-home sign, they’ve decided to neglect the old “welcome home” and go with something a little more original.

Imagine the surprise on the parents’ faces when they spotted the sign and laughed about its oddness, only to realize it was their kids holding it. While the three of them look nothing alike, they probably think the same, and they all have great minds.

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Someone’s in big trouble

Wanted… for Christmas! What a relief (or not). As if the sign wasn’t embarrassing enough as it is, they had to choose the worst possible pictures of their friends, to showcase to the world in that busy airport. If this isn’t a sign of true friendship, I don’t know what is.

This duo decided to perform a nice gesture for their friends – in the spirit of the holidays – and pick them up from the airport. They’ve thought of the best way to do it, so that their friends would never forget this pick-up.

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Willy Wonka must be around somewhere

First, we spot Santa Claus at the security check, Darth Vader getting off a plane, and now this. It was nice of this Oompa Loompa to pick up his friend at the airport – it’s a true sign of friendship – but it seems as if the costume might be redundant.

We wonder if Johnny Chocolate is his real name, in which case the joke is obvious, or whether it is some kind of a private joke since he’s fond of chocolate. Either way, this is one of the most creative airport pickup moments we’ve seen so far.

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When your husband serves in the army it’s a great honor and a source of pride, but it can also be very challenging since you go on long periods without seeing each other. When this woman’s husband finally returned from duty, after long months of being apart, he had a big surprise waiting for him.

His wife didn’t look the same, but for the best possible reason. Seeing the baby in her arms, he probably never even noticed what his wife looked like, and who could blame him? Mini-him was waiting to give him the very first hug.

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Who is?

Some friends have this strange habit of expressing their love by ditching on the other person. Personally, it’s not our style, but we’re not here to judge. However, if you do want to ditch on your best friend, your sister, or your significant other, you better get it right, and not give them a reason to turn the tables.

You might say this is karma – this girl arrived at the airport to pick up her friend with a sign reading “idiot,” and by holding it upside down, well, it’s clear who’s the idiot in the situation. It wouldn’t have been so funny if it wasn’t ironic.

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This guy!

We all have this one friend who has this particular style of talking – the question talking – constantly asking silly rhetorical questions, very much like the one in the photo. There are plenty of ways to let your friends know you’ve missed them, but this guy, an obvious question talker, went this cliché.

I would have loved to see the expression on the faces of Taylor and Steven, who probably wished at the moment they had different friends or regretted asking “this guy” to pick them up. Next time, I’m sure, they’ll take a cab home.

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We’re in the year 2020 and still, for some reason, people use selfie sticks, and we can’t blame Britney for hating them. While this sign can be interpreted in different ways, and Simon and Britney are the only ones who really know what’s going on there, we’re pretty sure Britney was giving Simon a hard time for using selfie sticks.

Either way, if you’re mad at someone, letting them know with a public sign when they’ve just arrived from a work trip is the worst way to do so. There’s a time and place for everything, and a crowded airport hardly seems like the right place to pick a fight with your significant other for secretly using selfie sticks.

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Run, Forrest, run

It’s almost as if two of Tom Hanks’ biggest roles were mixed together; this man’s resemblance to the beloved character of Forrest Gump is uncanny, and he was spotted at the terminal’s bus. Everything about this man, from his iconic haircut, to the white sneakers and the suit with short pants, resembles Hanks’ portrayal of Forrest Gump.

We don’t know that this really happened, but we’d like to think that maybe this Forrest Gump doppelganger was late for his flight, running through the terminal to make it before the gate closes, while passengers were shouting “run, Forrest, run.”

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That’s adorable

We know that we’re in the year 2020, but chivalry isn’t dead yet, despite what many people seem to believe, and this photo is a living proof of that. We all get extremely tired while waiting for a delayed flight, and this guy allowed his girlfriend to sprawl and spread over him until she found just the right position for a much-needed nap.

Clearly, she’s the one that is comfortable in this situation, while the guy was trying to make lemonade of the lemons he was given, and find a way to fall asleep despite this very uncomfortable arrangement, trying his best not to wake her. That’s what we call true love.

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Pack lightly

One of the best advice we could give anyone who’s traveling anywhere is to always pack lightly. No matter where you’re going, you always come back with a suitcase twice as heavy as your luggage at the beginning of the trip. We always think we’re going to need a lot more than we end up using, and we always buy more than we plan.

These two people have probably never heard of this principle, and it almost seems like they went out of their ways to pack heavily! I mean, come on, who brings a typewriter when they travel abroad? We’re in 2020, haven’t they heard of iPads, smartphones or laptops?

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Anyone lose a girl?

We’re not sure whether this girl was bored and decided to play hide and seek with her parents, or whether she was so tired, she just fell asleep on the luggage belt. Either way, it doesn’t seem like a safe place to play or take a nap.

We don’t blame her for being bored, nor tired, since waiting for a flight, especially if you have a long lay-over or a delay, can become boring as well as exhausting. Adults traveling with kids have to keep their eyes on them constantly, and can’t even close their eyes, but for kids it is much easier, as they can amuse themselves playing around the terminal.

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This should do

During a flight, many of us like to get comfortable, tune out our noisy environment (we’re looking at you, couples traveling with a baby), close our eyes, and not open them until we’ve arrived at our destination.

This guy made sure he had absolutely no distractions – he didn’t have to see anything, hear anything and even smell anything during this flight. On top of that, at times like these, you can’t be too safe, and I won’t be surprised if from now on, this is what all passengers on all flights are going to look like.

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At least it wasn’t stolen

Poor Jasmine almost left her phone behind before boarding her flight, but for her luck, these two kind airport workers found it and returned it to its owner – not before they left her a memoir and ensured she never forgets her phone again.

They were smart enough to see if by any chance she had left her Facebook account open – like most of us usually do – and left her a message she couldn’t possibly miss. Her friends and family must’ve been surprised to see these faces on their feed, but we’re pretty sure this prank gives the Newcastle International Airport a good name.

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What they don’t know

This scene couldn’t have been captured at any other moment, and it’s almost as if this was a stage – but the clueless expressions on their faces tell us that it wasn’t. The real question is why would anyone place only half of a poster on these railings – this hardly seems like an ideal place for an advertisement.

We can’t decide which one is better – the man who’s rocking the bikini bottoms and the leather scarf, or the man behind him, who looks like he’s stretching his legs after a jog. I wonder how long they stood there before they finally realized why people were staring.

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Penguins on board

What are penguins doing at an airport, you might ask? These penguins (and others, these are just two of the pack members) were threatened by animal smugglers, and luckily for them, penguin conservationists managed to save them just in time and transported them back to their home, an island off of Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

As surprising as it might sound, the most logical and convenient way to transport penguins, apparently, is by flying them on a commercial plane. As birds that can’t fly, we’re sure these penguins were delighted to have this experience, and even more so, to be back in their natural habitat.

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Looks comfortable enough

Finding the right position on these waiting-area chairs is always challenging, no matter your age or your size. Perhaps they are designed this way because people aren’t supposed to sleep on them, and that’s why some airports around the world offer the pod beds – those capsules that resemble a coffin, where you can have a good, long sleep while waiting for a flight.

However, judging by the cheap look of these plastic seats, this doesn’t seem to be one of the airports that offer sleep capsules, and so the chairs in the waiting area will have to do. If we’re tired enough, we don’t really care how comfortable we are, we can fall asleep in any position – like this photo demonstrates.

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Sushi, anyone?

Having normal luggage is dangerous since you’re running the risk that another passenger might confuse it with his own and accidentally take your luggage, your temporary home, and all your valuable belongings.

That’s why this group of people traveling together came up with the brilliant idea of making a luggage case like no one else has, and to make sure the people of the group could recognize it, they made all the suitcases have a common theme: sushi.

Moments When Payback Was Worth It

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