Consume more Fiber
That doesn’t mean you have to eat a bag of nuts. Beans, whole grains and leafy greens are all equally good for keeping away that stubborn fat – called visceral fat. It’s a quiet dangerous type as its fat packed around your organs, sometimes referred to as abdominal fat.
Get Active
No ‘’super foods’’ are capable of burning off visceral fat. You also can’t tone it away by doing sit ups. Alternatively, try to improve your eating habits and add some activity into your day.

Be Picky with Fat
You can still enjoy some but limit the ‘’saturated’’ fat from your diet. Saturated fat is found in full fat dairy, animal foods, coconut and palm oils. Control you portion sizes of these foods and check for nutrition labels. Not so much about the calories, but how much fat consists in one serving. Instead, go for fats that are better for your health such as salmon, tuna, plant foods.
Outrun it
Are you still trying to burn off that stubborn fat by thrashing that pavement for hours? According to research, a few quick exercises of high intensity like a 30 second sprint could be more effective and a lot easier to squeeze into your schedule. You can add these short and high intensity bursts into any workout like speeding up for a short time and going back to a slower pace.
5.The beauty formula: Sleep
Getting the right amount of sleep is crucial in beating the belly fat. Too little – <5hours or too much – >8hours may equal to more belly fat. About 6-8 hours is was about the right amount of sleep needed. It is advised to go to bed a little early, relax and avoid being on your phone before bedtime in order to get in a good nights sleep.

Ditch the ‘Quick fix’
Unfortunately, cosmetic surgery isn’t going to solve it for you. Even though, Liposuction is a type of fat removal procedure, it doesn’t get rid of the visceral belly fat as its not able to reach inside the abdominal wall. The same goes for crash diets – they are not the solution. The possibility of going off them is high as your body will crave the stuff you are cutting out. On the other hand, a slower and steadier option is what you could commit to for a longer period of time. Bottom line forget a ‘quick fix’ and choose a healthy and steady lifestyle.
Stay Calm
Stress really doesn’t help with eliminating that belly fat. Feeling stressed usually makes you consume more sugar and fat and unleash cortisol – ‘’stress hormone’’ which can increase belly fat. Other things that can happen from stress is sleeping less, exercising less, increase alcohol intake which can also add to belly fat.

What you can do to suppress stress is work out, take up a meditation class or find a hobby that will help you unwind and relax.
Take into account Your drinking
When you are trying to lower those numbers on the scale, you shouldn’t ignore the calories that come from drinks like soda, beer, wine or even a latte. A glass of water would certainly be a better choice when trying to unwind the scale numbers. In addition, drinking alcohol doesn’t help contain our willpower when it comes to ordering a meal as well.

Quit Smoking
Not that you need another reason to quit smoking but you can add another reason to the list. Smoking makes you more likely to store the fat in your belly, rather than thighs and hips. Quite bad, right? That’s not it.
It’s also a cause of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and so on and so. You get it. If you find it hard to quit smoking, visit your doctor for recommendations and help.
Don’t use clothing sizes as a metric
The reason being is that one clothing brand’s size 16 could be another’s size 14. A more efficient way would be to measure your waist. For women, you’d ideally want that number to be 35 inches or less and for men the number can be up to 40 inches. You may ask why? The chances of having a heart attack, certain type of cancer or stroke may be minimized.
Start Lifting weights
In one study, healthy middle-aged men who did 20 minutes of weight training on a daily basis gained less abdominal fat compared to the men who did the same amount of time doing cardio. Strength training is also good for women and trench the myth regarding bulkiness – it won’t make you bulky! You still need to include some cardio in the mix.